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Long Range Wireless Outdoor CB/AP 2.4Ghz 11N 500mw (10dbi panel)
05-02-2013 Rev:17-02-2014

How to do config WDS Bridge Mode

The diagram above shows four Engenius devices running on WDS Bridge Mode, which are connected
to a main Engenius devices that is providing Internet access. These 5 devices will run on WDS Bridge Mode.
This is a bridged network; therefore, all nodes on the network can be in the same network IP
block. All computers are viewable as if they are in the same location and on the same Ethernet


1.  Select System > Operation Mode

2.  Select WDS Bridge

3.  Click the Save & Apply button



1.  Select Wireless > WDS Link Settings

2.  Select encryption mode and fill in with passphrase

3.  Select Enable mode

4.  Enter the desired AP MAC addresses

5.  Click the Accept button




1.  Select Wireless Network

2.  Confirm the channel

3.  Click the Accept button



1.  Repeat Step1 to 3 on the other WDS AP

2.  Confirm the WDS Link Status

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